Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Voilà! C'est mon première blog! Chapter 1: 2 weeks before I leave

Hello everyone,
Many of you may know that this is not my first European encounter. However, the last few times I was there, I had a hard time keeping any sort of documentation of the trip. I still remember the highlights, but I wish I remembered more. SO this time, since it's a such a grander scale and it's kind of a big deal, I mean to change that. I decided to make this blog (well this is obvious since you're here reading it, but this is your basic blog intro post so...deal).  I will absolutely try to post once a week, probably saturday or sunday, and I will talk about cool things that are going on, my trials and tribulations, and hey I may even put new music I create up here too so you can listen :-D

Sound like fun? 

Without further ado let's begin the journey. Even though I don't leave for another two weeks, i'll still post because there are still things that need to happen and who knows what will happen in a crazy place like Winston-Salem, NC :-P 

Thanks for reading!

Monsieur Wells


  1. Especially like the idea of posting your music. That's what I miss a lot when you're gone ... your music. Je t'aime!

  2. Go to Montmartre and eat at Refuge des Fondues...

  3. I like the pic in the background, but you might want to consider something a little less complex, so we don't have trouble reading the posts against the background.

  4. took your advice, Monsieur TheFourth. I actually like this better!

  5. je pense que c'est une idee magnifique! je suis tres jaloux que tu va voyager a la france -- aussi, tu me manquerais. (je sais que tu souvent dis "je tu manque... il faut que tu dit "tu me manque -- you are lacking to me-- plutot). mais aussi je suis tres heureux pour tu, et je ne peux pas attendre a t'ecouter parler en francais apres cette annee. il sera incroyable, mon chere (:

    bonne chance et bon voyage!

    PS - m'apprendre quelques argot nouvelle!
