Sunday, August 29, 2010

Chapter 3: Last week in the untidy south.

Countdown: 1 day until New York. 3 days until Paris.

I suppose that this should have been my week of emotional remembrances: going to all of my favorite places for "one last look" and slowly visiting all of my old friends from NC before I leave for the other side of the globe. However, I was working too hard for any of that emotional hoopla. Starting a week ago, I worked three double shifts in a row. That means that I worked the Breakfast/Lunch Shift AND the Dinner Shift. Basically, I was at work from 6:30am until 8:00 pm or later. Three days in a row.

Needless to say that was a tiring experience, but at the same time, I enjoyed it, but I only noticed how much I enjoyed it after that crazy time was over and I was back to a regular schedule. Wednesday morning, the first morning that week when I didn't have work, I woke up late and sort of lounged around all day, and I just didn't feel good. Yet for the first part of this summer and for a great deal of last year, I made the choice to laze and procrastinate as opposed to do some good quality work. Knowing this, I think my experience of working at the nursing home is a lesson for me about the value and, hell, FUN of hard work. I wasn't doing anything "amazing" or "important" but I was having a good time, and I was getting benefits from it. There's a pleasure you get, and I guess I hadn't experienced that in a tangible way yet.  It just made me realize how much better I feel when I'm working my ass off and enjoying the benefits of that. I'm quite glad I've discovered this.

My last day of work last night was fun though. I got to do my favorite task of wheeling the food carts out to the residents and we did our shift like clock work; no late or earliness. Also, I got to take a break after the food delivery was over and play the piano there. It was fun, I actually had performed the night before as well, but I was a little nervous so I don't think my playing was spectacular, but last night I was very focused and the repertoire was a little different so it was just a more comfortable experience. A nice lady came up to me when I was playing and talked to me about music. She told me that I was very good, and that I make sure to I stick with it, and not be like her son who got married and gave up music and now regrets it.. I take it there's an interesting In-Laws drama in that family.

In other news:

My sister turned 16 on friday. Incredibly surreal. It's hard for me to believe that she'll be driving soon. I'm so freaking old.

Morning pages are still going well. I missed a day when I stayed the night at my good buddy Nash's house friday night, but other than that I've been good.

Got a new Haircut. il est trop sexy

Started watching the X-Files: Season 1 on netflix with mom. It's amazing how a show from 1993 can still have such a creepy impact on you. I'm beginning to be come addicted.

and I think i'll leave it at that for now. Nothing super exciting happened in North Carolina this past week so I'll not go on and on about it. My next post, however, will be coming to you from Paris, France as I begin my study abroad adventure.

The wait is over,

It's all Happening.

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